Saturday, January 3, 2009

Review - The Day The Earth Stood Still

The original "The Day The Earth Stood Still" from 1951 is a science fiction classic directed by Robert Wise (The Sound of Music, West Side Story, Star Trek: The Motion Picture) and its underlining theme dealt with the Red Scare back in the 50's. It would seem to make sense that in our current times of unrest in the Middle East and terrorist threats that this film could be remade with similar themes. However, what everyone behind the new "The Day The Earth Stood Still" forgot to do was add interesting characters, not to mention smart characters. The film stars some box office heavyweights...Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Connelly, and Kathy Bates. Not to mention solid character actors from television including, Jon Hamm from "Mad Men," Kyle Chandler from "Friday Night Lights," and Robert Knepper from "Prison Break." Sadly, all the characters are either exteremly boring (Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm) or very, very stupid (Kathy Bates, Kyle Chandler). It's been a long time that I consistently shook my head through an entire movie over every dumb decision that is made.
The story centers around an alien name Klaatu who is sent to earth to determine if humanity is worth saving. When he first appears in Central Park he is shot by the military and taken to a hospital when scientist Jennifer Connelly begins to feel sorry for the alien. And just to show how terrible humanity is, every decision made is of a violent nature. It is decided that Klaatu needs to be tortured for information, the military attacks Klaatu's spaceship only for it to retalihate, and when they are pushed back...they decide to attack the ship again and again.
By the end of the film I wanted Klaatu to destroy humanity. There was not one piece of evidence that proved that we are worth saving...why he came to the decision to save us I'll really never know. I also forgot to mention that Jennifer Connelly has a son played by Jaden Smith (Will's son) who just might be one of the worst child characters ever in film. Save your money, save your time and avoid this debacle. I would personally change the title to, "The Day My Life Stood Still," and lost almost two hours of my life I'll never get back.


  1. Mox,

    I enjoyed this review - funny and informative - definitely gets the point across. "The Day My Life Stood Still" is hilarious!

    Friendly advice:
    Next time you might try not to give away the ending...this review probably could have done without the sentence below, especially since you get the same point across with the preceding sentence.

    "There was not one piece of evidence that proved that we are worth saving...why he came to the decision to save us I'll really never know."

    I realize that the original has been around for many years, so it may seem as innocent as giving away the ending to "The Sixth Sense". However, unlike you and I, there are still people who just don't watch movies made before they were born. Sad, but true.

  2. If the movie was worth it I would have never given away the ending. ;-)

    BTW...the chick in The Crying Game is a dude.

  3. What's in the box at the end of Seven?'s her head,'s Gwyneth's pretty little head.

  4. Klattu Nikto Barada!! all better characters in Return of the Jedi!
    Love the review. but I'm surprised that Keanu wasn't included in stupid and boring.

    oh yeah, and the dog dies! won't tell you which movie that was.

  5. I really anticipated this film since I enjoy sci-fi. But agreed, this movie didn't do squat other than make my butt sweat from sitting there so long.
