Saturday, January 3, 2009

Star Trek Trailer

Here's the trailer for Star Trek opening May 9th, 2009. It's been out since Quantum of Solace but I still wanted to post it. I simply LOVE this trailer. Being a closet-Trekkie, I love the Event nature of the trailer...the quick action shots, the bombastic music, this trailer succeeds where I feel Wolverine failed.


  1. sylar as spock kinda freaks me out

  2. I've been so looking forward to this one! It's a fantastic opening sequence! I don't think J.J. Abrahms has made quite the impact in his movie projects as he has in his television projects so I'm hoping he pulls off something good with this movie project.

  3. Couldn't agree more Mary. JJ has made some of the best television in the past decade...Felicity (never watched it, but it was popular), Alias, Lost, and now Fringe. Mission Impossible 3 was a very good film, it just suffered from Tom Cruise acting like a psycho before it's release. With him in charge as well as his partners Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman (who wrote Transformers which I found a lot of fun) my hopes and expectations for this film are sky high.

  4. How much resistance do you think will be given by the old school trekkies? Do you think JJ can make some converts to his new re visioning of Star Trek?
